Power of Engagement

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Art is a powerful conversation tool

In this session we meet 4 artists who have a lot that they want to say.

They use their art effectively as a communication tool to convey their thoughts and engage their viewer in conversations.

Some embrace unique materials,

some are loud and bold,

while others are subtle and quiet.

Did you know that art can be a diversion?

Art can tell us things we didn’t know.

It also speaks the many languages of love.

  • Chapter 1: Exposing what is hidden

    His first-hand life experience has lead him to a place where he feels a need to educate the wider community about living situations that most of us know nothing about.

  • Chapter 2: Bold revolutionary ideas

    This artist as boldly standing up for her beliefs. Her large and powerful works always engage.

  • Chapter 3: Giving space - inviting conversation

    This artist is a master story teller. She shares her memories with us, and asks us to fill in the blanks - perhaps what she has forgotten? She leaves much untold.

  • Chapter 4: Presenting alternatives

    This artist uses her joyous art to distract herself and her viewers away from the everyday bad-news cycle. If you look, you will find beauty and joy everywhere.